Those 3 1/2 days went by in a blur and by the time I got back to Ruston I was already missing that sweet family and looking forward to seeing them again. With school starting I know it will be a while. Josh and Randi both have their birthdays during August so I know we will be seeing them at least once more during this month.
Below are some pictures depicting what I have been talking about. Notice the delicious and healthy fare I was treated to. I even had fresh squeezed grapefruit juice! YUM! The free ranch beef in the meatloaf was just delicious and totally fat free. I envy the variety of health food stores. I guess I need to take some coolers and take a shopping trip to Longview.

Frazier loves to help in the kitchen. I know it is tough to believe a two year old can actually be helpful, but trust me he takes his assignments seriously and works at doing them well. I was impressed with his attention span.
I "carried" a watermelon to Longview and boy was I glad I did! It turned out to be sooo much better than the last one we purchased and boy was Frazier glad! We all love watermelon and sadly watermelon time is nearly over.
When I arrived I had to see Frazier's new Kid Craft kitchen and of course we had to sample some tea and toast with jam straight from his kitchen. After the drive over it sure hit the spot!
I don't know how old kids are suppose to be when the pretend, but Frazier has got it down and serves up all sorts of tasty treats from cupcakes to fried eggs.
After church on Sunday morning....and might I add I always look forward to going to Fellowship Baptist....Randi literally whipped up a delicious egg and sausage casserole and blueberry pancakes while Frazier and I played. It was YUMMY. Anytime, I have homemade pancakes made with sprouted grain with REAL maple syrup I am a happy camper. This is just a regular thing for Fraz, but I know he will someday realize and be thankful for the way his Mum looks after his well being.

I took my earrings out to clean them and left Ruston without putting them back in. It wasn't until the Marshall exit that I realized I didn't have any earrings. Well, I keep a spare pair in my desk at school just in case this happens because I just feel "neckid" without them. Randi pulled out a little dish with earrings from her closet and brought them out for me to select a pair to wear for the next few days. Frazier decided he needed some, too. The pair he chose matched his ensemble perfectly! hahaa. He left them on until they began hurting....they were clip-ons. I think Randi said they had been her grandmother Gleason's. Adorable. I think it is just easier to take fabulous pictures when wearing a great pair of earrings.
and did I mention we ate some watermelon? MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!
Pump it Up was a so much fun. I am seriously looking forward to going back!
Randi was the prettiest Mom there hands down.
At the top of this slide Frazier was on the verg of tears as it was the BIG slide and I assume it looked daunting to him from the top.... Mum just picked him up and sat him on her lap and went. Swoooosh! Then I took a picture assuming it was going to be sorta sad, but surprisingly I saw this HUGE smile when the flash went off! hahahaaa...the air from going down the steep slide blew his hair up weeeeeeee......he was having FUN! He got off the slide and headed right back up the steep inflatable steps and I didn't see a frown until we told him we had to go home.
Keeping up with Frazier was tough....for me.....he was so fast! Maybe Josh and Randi ought to rent out Frazier to those looking for a fun way to burn calories. That healthy eating is paying off.
This opening was not as easy for me as it was for Frazier and for Randi.....but thankfully I made it and I didn't have to dial 911! Relief!
This too was easier looking than it actually was.....hahahaa...notice there are no pics of me trying this....and I am THANKFUL!
Fraier didn't want to go through this openings, but though "going over the wall" was the appropriate way to get inside this particular area. I thought maybe he had been watching Prison Break.
Yes, it was a great stay as always and I am praying some July/Aug. it will not be 103 when I go for my little visit.