We've started a new book, The Attributes of God (vol. 1), a Journey into the Father's Heart by A. W. Tozer first written in 1957. Here is a taste, "What I believe about God is the most important thing about me." (Stay tuned .)
But let me just say, going to Community Group every Wednesday is a battle. I feel sure the enemy of our souls would rather I stay home and he as always makes it very tempting to do so. Thoughts pop into my head.....I need to stay home because I should correct some school papers or I feel a sudden impulse to take a nap or watch my favorite news programs. There is always a reason which seems logical why I shouldn't go. Yet most times I shove those thoughts aside and I push on. I grab my bag (Bible, notebook, book we are reading) and keep going...and let me go on record to say no matter how exhausted I feel, I am always sooooo glad I did. Eric Little, of Chariots of Fire, speaks of sensing the Lords pleasure when he ran.....well, one way I sense the Lord's pleasure is when I purposefully go out of my way.....out of my comfort zone... to spend time with Him and His people. What does the scripture teach....iron sharpens iron. We can truthfully share with each other about our foibles and our frailty and pray for one another. We share our fears and our questions. What a gift! Thank you, Father God for giving me fellow believers to come along side to encourage, correct, comfort and especially love me regardless. It is the "regardless" that amazes me the most!
WELL SAID! We are blessed each and every week by you comments and you challenge us to think---out of our comfort zone.. We need you more maybe more than you need us.
The "iron" verse is one of my favorites. And I, too, have a hundred distractions (that I'm sure are strategically placed by the enemy) that hinder my walk.
Thanks for stopping by for a laugh! :)
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