Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Ramblings

Imagine my surprise when I started typing this post that it was coming out in Hindi!! Somehow I had enabled something gadget/widget option ....who knows. And though I have often thought of myself as an "enabler" (someone codependent ...a possible cause or an accessory in the event of anyone I have ever met doing anything crazy, insane or foolish), I never ever wanted my posts to be typed in Hindi! (not that there's anything wrong with that!) I guess I need to keep an eye on my myself better. Sheeesh! Anyway, this post is now "disabled" and as you see I am able to type in my native tongue or something which closely resembles it.

New Year's Eve! A day to reflect.....a day to clean out......a day to "lay up" on the sofa and watch a movie? Well, let me just say I have been dusting and straightening, but I am not up for taking down the Christmas jazz just yet. We didn't get it all up until a couple of weeks after Thanksgiving, so it seems to me it needs to stay up just a bit longer. The house always looks less friendly without snowmen staring from every corner, so hey, lets just let them stare a bit longer. I am also not up for making any life changing resolutions. When I think back on my life the biggest changes were those which seemed to just happen, but in hind sight to be perfectly placed and timed.

Back to the reflecting part. I have made many a New Year's Resolution only to have it broken, so no more of that. I am only going to make two attempts and that is to eat healthy and pray more frequently and for longer periods of time. I will be praying for you and I will praying for myself. Hopefully all the other would be resolutions will be unnecessary in this light. After all our heavenly Father wants us to be whole and fulfill His purposes. So if I keep my eyes on Him, pray and listen.....listening being the toughest part for me (being pumped up on sugar pretty much keeps me from listening :/)..... all other things will fall into place and I will have no doubt about walking in the paths put before me so very, very long ago. (I am talking about "before the foundations of the earth" long!)

"Cop out!" you cry. Well, maybe, but for me it is my feeble attempt to not give myself yet another to do list, or set myself for failure or another opportunity to beat myself up for not measuring up. I want to see each day as a gift, an opportunity and a blessing. We are never promised tomorrow, but we do have today and each day can be just what the Lord desires...if we can just hear from Him. Yes, the scripture does say, "Be yea perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect", but as overwhelming as this scripture is, I know He also sent Jesus because He knows we are not perfect and will never be so. Only by allowing Jesus to actually become my covering and trusting Him to supply that perfection/righteousness will I ever come close! Hence the praying part is CRITICAL. And I confess that although I do pray, it is not near enough and usually I don't enter into His presence during that exercise.

So here is the plan for 2011 Eat (properly for a change to help my ability to focus), PRAY (which includes the listening part I mentioned), Love (the bi product of praying for people.)

Hey! Crazy as it sounds, that might make a good book title!


Lora said...

You are NOT crazy---wise post! We ALL love you!

JoAnn said...

All good ideas Debbie. We should all do these things God Bless you. Love you, Mom and Dad

Erica Phillips said...

I love your blog! I didn't ever realize you had one. And I TOTALLY agree with you about your resolutions - great ones! And I feel the same way, I didn't make any "list," I just decided to try to use every day to be a better person.