Saturday, July 18, 2009

Welcome, Frazier James

We are so thrilled that Frazier James is finally here. The labor went very well and didn't last too long....although that is relative. Twelve hours in labor is no small feat especially with the dreaded pitosin used for the induction. One-two hours of labor vs. twelve would have been preferable, but it was much better than twenty or I have even head thirty! Regardless this is twelve hours Randi nor Josh will ever forget....but twelve hours well spent which yielded a great prize.

All this brings back feelings and memories which have not surfaced in quite sometime. It is amazing to me the fierce love which takes hold of a new parent. I remember thinking if anyone ever tried to do anything to Josh.....well, I would feel sorry for that person because I could muster the strength to knock them out!!! hahaha Well, I am not so strong, but with the adrenaline of a new Mom who knows, I might have been able to lift a car if I had to do so.

Now comes the fun....I can't seem to think of much else and have spent the day wondering what they are doing and how their little doggie, Gatsby, is doing with his new "sibling". Josh said they had Frazier on the floor in his little seat in the sunshine as he is a bit jaundiced. Frazier was Gatsby snuck up on this new tiny human to check him out Frazier suddenly spazzed and threw out an arm or leg and sent Gatsby running for cover. That makes me laugh just to imagine it. It will be a big adjustment for their fur kid, but I think he can adjust. There is enough love floating around so Gatsby won't feel left out.

There is no fear in my heart for this little boy. Frazier is in very capable hands. These parents won't always know what to do, but I know they will find out or figure out the right thing to do and Frazier will be safe and cared for extremely well. They will take care of his physical needs and they will be concerned with his mental and spiritual development as well. Will I pray? Yes, I will be praying, but I know they are too and that is another reason why I am not worried a bit.

I will send you to Randi's blog for some great pics and her wonderful writing. She will probably be updating if you are interested in watching Frazier grow.


the Jennings secede from the South said...

CONGRATULATIONS! He is those cheeks

Lora said...

When I went back and looked at Randi's blog again I realized that Frazier is almost as big as she is in that last picture! Definitely Josh'es eyes!

JoAnn said...

We are excited. He is such a beautiful boy. Josh called us on Skype last night and we got to see our great grandson sleeping. Just wanted to reach out and give him a hug. Had to be satisfied to just blow him a kiss on his sweet cheeks. Great Grandma and Grandpa

JoAnn said...
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lindsey said...

Frazier is just precious! We are so excited for you guys...and LOVE the pic of Josh and his dad.