Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Happy to see you again my friend!

Jim and I went ICU to see Dr. Dale tonight. He has been there for a week and we thought we would be seeing him at home by today, but we found out he was still there and we wanted to see him. Helen had just left for church and Joanna and Rachel were "holding down the fort" there along with a couple nurses plus his new friend, Tobii (the computer he uses with his eyes).

Dr. looked so much better than last time we saw him. We didn't realize he was so ill. But now he has a spark in his eyes and it was clear that he was enjoying learning to use his new mode of communication. It will even speak out loud to us. While it was not his sweet tenor voice, it was good to hear from him again. He has not even had training yet!! I don't know how he knew what to do. Jim and I are praying it will become second nature to him. I know it takes a lot of effort right now because it is new. We know there is a lot going on in that head of his now he will be able to share some of that with us. I know Helen will be glad to be able to "hear" from him again. Jim is not a big talker, but at least I can ask him to tell me what he is thinking about and he will give me an answer. If I couldn't ask or couldn't be told it would be hard.

Please keep these precious folks in your prayers. Doctor is probably going to come home on Friday along with Tobii. It is a slow mode of communication right now so pray it will become easier for him to master.

1 comment:

Lora said...

We are SO grateful! I was always at such a loss trying to read lips. I would get one word out of ten-so never knew what he was trying to say to me. NOW we will know what hurts & what he needs!