Saturday, November 22, 2008

Congratulations, Julie!

I am very proud to announce my little sister, Julie, kindergarten teacher extraordinaire, has gotten her National Board Teacher Certification!!!! For those of you who don't know about the NBTC it is a long and grueling process. It is a lot of preparation and work getting all the writing of the portfolio, and videos of classes and examples of work together and it has to be sent off in an exact configuration.... if you pack your box in the wrong fashion you could be disqualified. Then there is the test. You have to have everything exactly right.....and every year teachers all over the country log onto the NBTC website only to find they didn't make it. I have known awesome teachers who have gone through the whole process and didn't make it. I know how much work Julie put into this and I know how stressful it was for her to complete especially dealing with three teenagers at home. That fact alone should have earned some extra credit!!

Now I know if I ever get the courage to go through this process I will have an expert to go to for help.


JoAnn said...

For sure CONGRATS!!!!! We are all so proud of you Julie!!! We all know how hard your worked. or do we really? God Bless Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

It surely was a great feeling to click on the submit button to find out my scores....and there it was....Congratulations you are National Board Certified Teacher. Thas was the icing on the cake of a very long process----Yeah and thanks for the kudos ( thanks for choosing a decent picture too! HA)