Monday, July 14, 2008

The Deck is Painted....Hip Hip Hurrah

Mom and Dad's deck is finally painted.....and they are very glad. We still can't use it as it needs to sit for a couple days before the rug and the glider and the chairs and end tables are arranged, but it has been a long haul because of the weather. Faithful sons-in-laws, Jeff and Joe, were sanding the deck getting it ready to be painted months ago. They never thought the deck wouldn't be in use still into the second week in July. When the painter finally started the weather turned wet and trying to find a time when there was no rain at all for several days became a challenge. Espeicially because there had to be two coats. Then the painter went on a family vacation and was gone for several days. It just became frustrating....along with the fact the whole back yard had to be dug up in order to fix a leak NEXT TO......which seeped under the foundation of the house. Soooooo now at least the deck is painted and the stairs off the back deck ....which the excavation caused to cave in.....are back in place and the yard has been graded and seeded and straw put down and now they are watering. It should be just a few more weeks and things will be back to normal. Like Rosanne Rosanna Danna always said, "It is always something!" Hopefully this will be the last "something " for a while.


Dogs 'n Lions said...

WOW!!! Looks great. Like brand new. I know it will be good to everything back to normal.

Lora said...

I know about those painters! It looks great. Your Mom has straw???? Can't find straw in Erie-and there is nothing like straw. MISS YOU TWO! Send that rain down here!

JoAnn said...

The pics are nice Debbie. You are right, it sure seems nice to have it done finally. Josh and Randi need to come home and sit on it. Also the rest of the gang.

Casey said...

Love your dogs.

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ps: your deck looks great. I am about to show your pictures to my husband and see if I can get him to paint mine.