Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Nice Visit

I was a little concerned about taking young Sophie to meet Aunt Vi, but she is a dog lover and thought Sophie was a real cutie. Thankfully, Soph was a good girl on our visit.
This is my grandfather and grandmother Dad's parents. My Aunt Vi looks a bit like Gramma Della.....who passed away when she was 91. My Grampa Irving passed when I was four and I think he was about 76. I think Aunt Esther is the Aunt who looks most Gramma.

They had 8 children, my own father (who passed away at age 39) was the youngest. Aunt Vi was smack in the middle. She was the second oldest girl. Her sisters, Marie and Evie, both have passed away. The boys are all gone. Esther, the youngest girl, lives in another small town in the area. Just these two "girls" are left.

Aunt Vi has been widowed two times. I remember when her husband of nearly 25 years passed away and I wondered how she could bear it, as sad as she was she didn't let it destroy her. They had a wonderful marriage and two bright sons who have always been a blessing. She married again and had another long lasting marriage. She gained a wonderful step family who she loves very much.....and who love her, too. She is a resiliant and positive lady.

Last year they....her family and step family.... gave her a great 90th birthday party/picnic at Cuba(?) Lake. I wasn't able to go, but I would have loved it. She was talking about riding the John Deere Alligators around with her grandkids and great grands. I think if I hadn't seen the pictures I may not have believed her. She looked like she was having a ball. She had a great album with pictures and letters from the kids that was given to her at the party. It really was a celebration.

Aunt Vi still owns a car and drives it, too! I wouldn't be surprised if she told me she had driven those Alligators, but she said the kids drive her around on those.

Now living in a small retirement apt. she said it was a joy for her to give away many of her belongings......"just the joy of giving people things they enjoy". She said she has all she needs. She also said she didn't want to leave a lot for her family to have to clean out after she is gone. I know a lot of people who have had the huge job of cleaning out after the death of a love one and I know her kids will be thankful. I pray Jim and I will be able to take this advice to heart. (I am sure Josh does, too!)

When we walked up Aunt Vi was sitting outside her apartment reading a book about Tim Russert. At 91 she is still interested in many things and that makes her interesting as well. She, like most of us with any sense, is worried about our country and its future. She sees the self centered turn our culture has taken and is concerned about her grandchildren and what all they will face long after we are gone. We talked about what a tough generation hers was. (And is!)These are the people who faced the depression and had to be creative to get along in the world. Things didn't come easily for the majority. They fought the second World War and they didn't do a lot of complaining. They learned to make do when necessities were scarce and they were thankful for having what they had. Sadly I fear my generation doesn't have this grit, nor the generations after me. We are a country of people who NEED a lot to make us "happy". There is just no comparison.

We did some talking about the upcoming presidential race and both decided there is a lot of problems to address and some "tough love" is needed. We need leaders to draw some lines and to also expect people to do their best. It is a hard time to be President and this election is an important one for sure. It is a time to pray.

When I asked her what her secret for a long, happy, and healthy life was she remembered she met the Lord as a young girl and was active in service at her church. She spoke of a Godly woman....a missionary, who had an impact on her as a child. She was never locked into one denomination because she knows God is not. She also knows He is watching over her and has been for a long time.

Aunt Vi said she doesn't go to the doc too much, but if her tooth hurts she gets it taken care of or if she has a problem she goes and sees about it, but visits are rare. She takes one pill plus her vitamin. Wow....I thought maybe there was an exercise program or maybe a secret supplement that has kept her vital. The Lord has blessed her with a clear mind and a strong body. It was wonderful and such an encouragement to see her again. I can't remember the last time I had seen her. I am praying we have many genes in common.

Oh and I forgot to thank her for the Pringles and onion dip.....toooo yummy


Lora said...

Print this out, if she does not have a computer, and send it to her. She needs to know what a wonderful tribute you wrote about her. Don't be too hasty giving things away since you could have another 40 years according to my math.

JoAnn said...

Debbie, We did have fun that day. Poor little Sophie got hot waiting in the car for me and Chuck. So glad you got to see your Aunt Vi. She is a sweet lady. Sure miss you honey.