Thursday, July 31, 2008

Most Recent Pics.....

This is what people with three teens do for their 25th Anniversary.......go to Universal Studios. I know they wouldn't have it any other way. The James gang had a great time at Universal.....they had varied experiences there. At one point in their wanderings an ailen from outer space spoke to them. They are still wondering what he/she meant when it uttered, "dickly moot moot" to them. At first they thought that had heard him wrong, but alas, that is what was said. Was it a warning, an exhortation, or maybe just a greeting? We will never know. I think it just needs to learn to speak English....
They were having trouble trying to fit this trip into their busy schedules. Julie is teaching summer school this summer and Maura is working at a camp for the mentally handicapped, Ross and Lauren had various camps and Jeff had is a miracle they all got to go. I figured someone would end up having to stay at home. Hope they can do something like this again.

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