Of late toppling the evil Sadam Hussein and his cohorts and standing against the insurgents who want to grab the power away from the people is our country's mission . I know this war is not popular and I too am weary of hearing of American casualties and seeing those soldiers who have come home maimed needing prosthetic arms and legs. It is so disturbing and I am praying we will be able to bring all of our young men and women serving in Iraq back to their families, but I am so proud of our service people bringing freedom to a people who were so oppressed and who lived in such fear
The World War II veterans are disappearing group who also stood agains evil. That generation is one of a kind and I don't believe our generation can really understand the sort of sacrifice that generation made. I fear most of my generation and the generation to follow are not made of the same grit. I pray I am wrong and we could step up to the plate if faced with the challenge of a World Wide conflict just as our fathers and grandfathers did. The world owes them a great debt.
The World War II veterans are disappearing group who also stood agains evil. That generation is one of a kind and I don't believe our generation can really understand the sort of sacrifice that generation made. I fear most of my generation and the generation to follow are not made of the same grit. I pray I am wrong and we could step up to the plate if faced with the challenge of a World Wide conflict just as our fathers and grandfathers did. The world owes them a great debt.
Pray daily for the safety of our service men and women....thank someone who is serving (or has served) our country..... We need to respect them and their leaders; support them as they want to finish the Iraq War well.
I think the generation serving now-on a voluntary basis-are just as great as my Father's generation. Think about the reaction after 9/11 WE STILL HAVE IT!
as a percentage, more volunteers in viet nam that WW2 and don't forget that Bahgdad is a safer place to be than Washington DC where there is a total ban on handguns!
Good points you all....you know I am thinking that people from D.C. may want to move to Baghdad to feel safe.
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