Saturday, January 5, 2008

Back in the saddle....

Heeerrrrreeee's Johnny...another quote from Jack Nicholson....he said that in The Shining. Lora guessed my quote and I wonder how she figured it out.

I have not been blogging too much since school has been back in. We were only at school for three days, but for some reason it seemed like about 6. Strange. It was funny how many of the kids asked their home rooom teacher or the office secretary their locker combinations. Two weeks and many of them were clean slates. You could tell on Wed. morn many of them were used to being asleep at that time. I sorta felt that way, too.

Jim came up to the school yesterday and assembled the new library counter/desk that has been sitting UNPACKED leaning against the history shelves blocking the World War II books for the last 3 1/2 months. He is stiff today from being on his knees...up and down and he has blisters on his fingers and he wore the skin off of his palms. When you want to get something done ask a Swede. Usually they are fast and it is done right. My aunt was married to a Swede and she used to say that a lot....and you know, I think she was onto something. Jim's only problem is he has some eye sight problems and that makes things more difficult. His depth perception is messed up and what used to be a snap is more frustrating for him. He has more patience with it than I would. I will take a picture of the new arrangement. I think I need to purchase one more triangle to make the whole thing even. You will see when I post the pics.

Headaches....I have been having headaches and I have one right this won't be long. I guess I don't do well with the heater running a lot. When the weather warms up I expect these to vanish. The other day I got to work about 8:15 because I kept getting sick and would get half way down the driveway and have to drive back up and run for the house. Finally, it started to get better and the nausea subsidded, but I was totally wiped out. I kept telling my library aides to please give me some space and to work on their bookshelves. For some reason they ask me a lot of questions and they kept trying to talk to me and I felt badly, but I wanted them to leave me alone until I could think. I didn't want to take a sick day because I knew the drugs would eventually kick in. I must have looked horrible cuz people kept asking me what was wrong....haha.

Last night after some gumbo at Ponchatulas went to visit with the Boersmas. It is always good to see Dr. Dale up in his chair. I know he enjoys being with his family and friends, but I sometimes worry that we are "wearing him out". The noise at school tires me and I am a healthy person. Last night there were friends from Hattiesburg, kids, grandkids, granddogs and us, the wacky neighbors. (Just call Jim and I "Fred and Ethel".) and Holly. She is their adopted college student who is also a neighbor! (Yes, she too has her whacky moments!) We were all laughing and talking and I noticed Dr. Dale was smiling, I guess he doesn't mind all of us. We all love him and seeing him in his current condition is tough so I can't imagine BEING in his condition. Please pray for him. I believe in miracles so pray for the Lord's healing touch that he could be made WHOLE again. It is hard to believe just one year ago Jim and I would get out in the evenings and walk a mile or so around the neighborhood. Doctor would set the pace and the rest of us would try to keep up. This is still so hard to accept and hard to believe. Doctor Dale is dealing with this with a grace that must be given by the Lord.

I loved seeing Wesley and Aaron and their new pups Mochi and Otto. These Chinese pugs are soooo soft and very sweet, even tho Jake didn't appreciate their visit. I need to get some pics of those dogs.

We had some news yesterday. Randi's parents, Josh's inlaws are moving to Texas. Randi's father has taken another job much like the one he had here, only in Texas. They will probably move to Marshall which is 23 miles from Longview where Josh and Randi live. I enjoy our holidays with the Fraziers and wonder how all of this will change all of that. Josh informed me that because so many of their friends have moved from Ruston and now Randi's parents being so close to them there is going to be a lot less reason for them to drive to Ruston. I know that is just the facts, but it gave me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Maybe I need a little soft dog.

I need to get some pills and close my eyes. Maybe I will blog a bit later. Deb

1 comment:

Lora said...

The road goes both ways and when we are ready for a visit with our kids. We load up and go. You can too. You made me want to see Dale. I have purposely stayed away while sick, but now that am getting back to form, I will be making a visit. What a gift the B's are to us all. Didn't even know about the new dogs. Can't wait to see them. Can't get the wants though!