Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bloggitty schmoggity.....time to go to B-E-D

Well, school is going along smoothly, but slowly. I have two practicum students and I am enjoying them a lot. They are both so nice and willing to help any way they can. They are doing a lesson this week on literary genres. I know the students are enjoying their youthful faces and are paying a bit more attention....I am not taking it personally because I remember learning about the "Hawthorne Effect" when I was taking Education in American Society....SNORE. I am surprised I can remember anything from that class. My prof would walk in much like Tim Conway when he would shuffle around being the old guy and read.....yes, I said READ to us from the text book. Most of the students showed up with Time, Newsweek, or in my case Mother Jones....(Yes, I was a charter subscriber to that socialist magazine....but that is for another blog topic.)

Oh....yeah.....Hawthorne Effect.....it states that any change produces a positive result for a season and is not an indication of the success or failure of that change. You need more time to determine if the positive effect is genuine and lasting. I guess I remember it because I have observed it to be very true.....in all aspects of life.

I have been at the Jr. High for nearly ten years and have never had practicum students and now I have two at the same time. I am thankful for them. One of the girls has a dog who looks just like Sophie....named "Spike"...haha. He is a Maltepoo....Maltese and Poodle. I am thinking he and Sophie might get along and we may have to get them together. Sophie is on the sofa next to me using the remote control for a pillow....ahhhhh so cute. I think she needs to have more friends over. I do what I can to be the playmate, but I have fallen pretty hard a couple of times. If I would have been a tiny bit closer to the wall when I fell...while tearing around the house in my slippers....I think I would have run my head through the wall....the outside wall which is brick! Jeepers creepers!

This is the second night in a row I have had a headache....it is not one of the killer type but I wish I could nail down the reason for them. It is finally letting up so I am decided to blog a bit. In a few days I should have my new lenses for my glasses so maybe that will help. My prescription didn't change too much, but maybe it is just enough to be causing trouble.

I am reading a book called, I Am Scout. It is the biography of Harper Lee and I am enjoying it as much as I can reading through the fog of a headache. I am not making rapid progress but I look forward to getting in bed and reading just a bit each night.

To Kill a Mockingbird is fictional, but Harper Lee's father was a lot like Atticus Finch and the fact she wrote Scout's mother had died....well, Harper Lee's mother had mental problems and left Harper and her siblings to fend for themselves many times. Her father just seemed to accept the problems his wife had and felt it was his cross to bear. It gives us the impression she felt rather motherless.

I just love finding about the personal lives of great writers. I am not sure why this is so.....maybe I am trying to figure out what tragedy drove them to write. Writing is amazingly therapeutic so maybe there is some truth to this theory of mine.

Speaking of which....it is time to put the Sophmiester in her little kennel and I am going to read a bit. Tomorrow is breakfast duty so I need to get in the bed NOW! Fox News is running in the background as usual and I am tired of hearing about Rev. Jeremiah Wright and his bizarre rantings. Do they know how to beat a dead horse or what!!!!!!


Lora said...

OK-NOW Debbie-ANY CHANGE??? will produce a positive effect?????I either do not understand the therom or totally do not agree. We need to discuss this. Are you picking up Helen tonight?

the Jennings secede from the South said...

Oh, I need to read that! That sounds good.