Wednesday, February 27, 2008

...and for something for different.

My voice is a bit gruff from this cold. I love Sophie's voice....not the barking part. I like it when she pants cuz I can hear this little kid voice in there. I can only imagine what she would sound like if she spoke.....but I am not expecting it any time soon anyway.....although my friend's lab used to say, "I'm hungry", and "I love my Mama." I wish I had gotten that on video.... it was something to behold!
I will try to get less facinated by this puppy in the future, but she is still the new kid on the block and hard for me to ignore. I wonder who she is going to turn into. She doesn't shame easily and that worries me a bit. Even Max, our poodle of 16 years, would be ashamed when he did something he wasn't suppose to, but this kid....a brazen vixen and she looks at me like I must be the one with the problem if she does something she is not suppose to....the ziet giest of the 21st Century!

1 comment:

Lora said...

Sophie as a "cute little doggie voice", you on the other hand sound very nasal. Perhaps you could begin singing with Willie since he definitely is VERY NASAL! Missed you last night. If you aren't careful, people will begin to call you "The Crazy Dog Lady"!