Saturday, June 28, 2008

Back in the mountains....

We are here in William Penns's Woods...aka Nama's Woods or Pennsylvania!  Just trying out Mom's Mac lap top and I am just about as lost as she is with this whole thing.  It is just gonna take some time.  I will write a "real post" later.  Just wanted to say, "Howdy" and hope everyone is well.  

OOOOOOOH OOOOH...thunder!!! Here comes Bailey the lab....terrified at the old age of nearly 84....about 12 in dog years.  I guess he never has gotten past the terrified puppy stage.  He has always hated LOUD noises especially thunder and gun shots.... which he rarely hears the later, but we do get hunters up on the mountain at times.

Poor dog is terrified....ahhhhh!


Lora said...

Glad you made your trip. When I use The Jennings'es Mac, I have adjustment problems also.

Anonymous said...

Hey Deb and Jim Is it true those people and the cows up ther in the mountains have one short leg( cows two Of course ) so they can walk on the hillside. Lovely nights and beware of the bears. See ya soon or in 3 weeks. Hey to your mom and dad. Rudy too.